What happens when you bring together two huge music icons? You get what I call Dilla Jackson. This was an idea that was actually sparked in 2007 when I had "Butterflies (Dilla-ficial Remix)" on the original version of a Michael Jackson mixtape (see the 'Down With The King: MJ' post) I did in that year. After going thru hundreds of Dilla beats to come up with ones that really grabbed my ear (of course) and a few 'familiar' instrumental joints that have already touched many people's eardrums via radio airwaves and nightclubs, I smashed a few MJ vocals over these blazing tracks to come up with this new tribute mix. Reserve your copy by emailing me at djkoolemdee@gmail.com. For now, here's a short preview of Dilla Jackson.
Brought to you by DJ Kool Emdee (Blackadelic Tribe Productions) and T. Piper Media.
thank you for doing what you do, IT KEEPS MY BRUSH MOVING... LOVIE OLIVIA