To put it in the words of the iconic legend, Michael Jackson...."Remember the time"...when the music was great, the parties were a blast, and there were clothing trends that were great for that time. I wish we could rewind the hands of time to take us back to that great era, which sadly was near the closing of the greatest period, the 20th Century that is, for music and the arts. Since we can't go back, we can at least play the tunes from one of the great eras of urban music and make it a memorable night, in more ways than one.
Grab a few of your friends, put on your leggings, B-Boy gear, acid washed jeans, Peter Pan boots, skinny jeans, and all the fabulous 80's gear and come have a TOTALLY RADICAL night of old school fun like we used to. Don't forget to say "rad", "dope", "awesome", "bogus", and all other key phrases. For more info on this event, log on to: Sound Therapy RSVP.
To get you warmed up, here's another mix done by yours truly...DJ KOOL EMDEE!
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